FAQ related to Unavailable Balance?

Q1: What balances are included in the unavailable balance?

A: To safeguard assets, currently UniSat wallet will lock the inscriptions, arc20, and runes utxos, so the Satoshi of utxos occupied by these assets will be displayed as unavailable.

And the following situations will also be in unavailable balance.

- Unconfirmed balance

- Utxos beyond the reading limit of UniSat wallet (UniSat wallet will load up to 500 BTC utxos and 10000 FB utxos at a time)

Q2: Withdraw from the exchange, or sell in market, the transaction has been confirmed, but the received amount is still unavailable, what should I do?

A: BTC is locked due to attached assets (ARC20, Ordinals, or Runes):

- For arc20 assets, you can check the Atomicals tab in wallet to see if any assets are displayed. The solution can be found in Q4.

- For ordinals assets, you can check the Ordinals->All tab in wallet to see if there are inscriptions occupying a significant amount (usually greater than or equal to 10000 sats). The solution can be found in Q3.

- For runes assets, you need to check which runes are involved. You can use tools like https://ordiscan.com/ for BTC mainnet or https://fractal.unisat.io/explorer for Fractal mainnet by inputting the transaction ID that may be causing the issue. The solution can be found in Q5.

Q3: What if the large amount received contains one or more inscriptions?

A: In this case, it is generally necessary to split the received utxo, to separate the inscription and make BTC/FB balance available.

1)If only one inscription:

Go to wallet "Ordinals"->"All",

Occupy Satoshi > 10000, click on the inscription, then click Split.

Occupy Satoshi = 10000, click on the inscription, then click Send. Custom output value is 546, send it to yourself.

2)If multiple inscriptions:

Go to wallet "Ordinals"->"All", you can see multiple inscriptions that occupy the same Satoshi listed. Click on the inscription ranked first, then click Split.

If there are too many inscriptions inside, such as dozens or even hundreds, it is not recommended to split, because a single large utxo will be divided into dozens or even hundreds of small utxos with high transaction fees. Please refer to Q8 for the solution.

* Because this operation needs to be onchain, it is recommended to operate when the memory pool fee is low, especially when there are many inscriptions inside.

Q4: The received BTC contains arc20, what should I do?

A: If you are sure you do not want to keep arc20 assets at all, please follow below to unlock them:

  1. upgrade extension to v1.5.4.

  2. go to setting of extension to turn off Atomicals Assets.

then they are available as normal btc.

KINDLY NOTE: although the arc-20 option is turned off, currently arc-20 will still appear in the involved assets and input section when spending them. Please enter CONFIRM when sign to continue. In the next version, you can spend arc-20 utxo without such warning.

Q5: The received BTC (or FB) contains runes, what should I do?

A: Go to the wallet Runes tab, click on the corresponding runes, and send all the amount of this runes to yourself, so that the runes assets carried in BTC (or FB) will be separated, extra BTC (or FB) will be sent back to your unisat address as change when sending the transaction. If you are unsure which runes, please refer to Q11.

* Because this operation needs to be onchain, it is recommended to operate when the memory pool fee is low.

Q6: I have no inscription, arc20, runes, nor unconfirmed transactions, but the balance is unavailable. What should I do?

A: This situation is mostly caused by too many utxos on the address, and unisat has a limit on the number of utxos loaded at once. You can try the following methods to unlock more unavailable balances: Click Send on the wallet homepage, use the ‘Max’ option to consolidate BTC (or FB) by sending it to yourself or another address.

This operation will merge your multiple utxos (500 for BTC mainnet, 10000 for Fractal mainnet) into one to reduce the utxos under your address.

Note: this operation needs to be onchain, and the gas fee is relatively high due to the large number of inputs in the transaction. It is recommended to perform it when the memory pool fee is low(below 4, preferably below 2).

Q7: How to make unconfirmed balances available?

A: If your wallet contains runes or arc20, UniSat does not allow the use of unconfirmed balances by default, because unconfirmed transactions may contain such assets. Using unconfirmed balances will expose you to certain risks of losing such assets.

The safe approach is to wait for transaction confirmation.

But if you want to force the use of unconfirmed balances, please go to Wallet Settings->Advanced->enable the option "Mandatory use of unconfirmed balance".

Please note: the risk is borne by yourself after opening.

Q8: I have a large number of obsolete and worthless inscriptions under my address. How can I unlock them to make them available?

A: UniSat wallet currently does not allow spending inscription balance, but we are planning to develop related features, so stay tuned. Currently, you can only use other tools to achieve this, for example, we know that the OKEx Web3 wallet has the function of unlocking the inscription utxo, and http://idclub.io has the function of merging BRC20 mint inscriptions utxos.

Q9: What if multiple runes assets are mixed together?

A: Go to the wallet Runes tab and send the total amount of each type of runes in the mix to yourself to separate them.

* Because this operation needs to be onchain, it is recommended to operate when the memory pool fee is low.

Q10: What if Runes is mixed with other protocol assets like ordinals or arc20?

A: Prioritize separating runes, go to the Runes tab of the wallet, and send the total number of runes to yourself. After separating the runes, whether the remaining protocol assets need to be split depends on the specific situation, if there are too many and they have little value, it may not be worth splitting them.

* Because this operation needs to be onchain, it is recommended to operate when the memory pool fee is low.

Q11: My balance is unavailable, but none of the above situations can solve my problem. What should I do?

A: Open a support ticket in our Discord and provide your wallet address, attach a screenshot of the balance details to help us better understand the issue and quickly identify the cause, and we will assist you.

Last updated