• When will the previously requested API keys expire?

    • A: Previously issued free API Keys will expire on August 31st. You can register and apply for a new API Key in our new developer center.

  • What are the differences in the API interfaces before and after the upgrade? Will the data be automatically upgraded?

    • A: There are no changes to the API interfaces before and after the upgrade. The old API Key will automatically expire on August 31st. Users need to register and apply for a new API Key at Developer Center

  • Is the data structure of the new API interface consistent with the old API interface?

    • A: Yes, the data structure of the new API interface is consistent with the old one.

  • What should I do if my API request limit is not sufficient? What if the rate limit is not enough? What if I exceed my plan's limit?

    • A: This situation typically occurs when your current usage exceeds the limits of your monthly API Key plan. However, there's no need to worry. We offer a "Pay as you go" plan that allows you to acquire additional requests as needed. Additionally, we provide Free, Specialist, Enterprise, and Custom API plans that you can upgrade to according to your needs, usually with immediate effect.

Last updated