UniSat Points Explained

What are UniSat Points?

UniSat Points is a tool designed by UniSat to count the number of user inscriptions and calculate how many users participate in UniSat interactions.

How to Earn UniSat Points?

  • Points can be earned through inscribing. The specific rules for earning points are as follows:

- Inscribing quantity in a batch≤ 20 👉 Earn 1 Point.

- 21 ≤ Inscribing quantity in a batch ≤ 30 👉 Earn 2 Points.

- 31 ≤ Inscribing quantity in a batch ≤ 1000 👉 Earn 3 Points.

  • The points are accumulated on the receiving address of the inscription, not the payment address.

Benefits of UniSat Points

  • Enjoy discounted transaction fees on UniSat Marketplace. More details: https://docs.unisat.io/services/unisat-marketplace-fee-rates

  • brc20-swap is currently accessible only to addresses with either 200 UniSat Points or those owning brc20-swap Prime Access inscription on mainnet.( Currently, the swap module only supports viewing balances, removing liquidity, and in-module transfers of BRC-20 assets. The trading service is temporarily under maintenance.)

Last updated